Emergency Management

UMBC must have a comprehensive Emergency Management program to remain resilient.  Regardless of the hazard, we must take unified action to support our community of students, staff, faculty, and visitors.  UMBC supports individual and organizational readiness.  We encourage our community to uphold the University’s core values during even the most difficult of times.

The University’s Emergency Manager oversees planning and supports each College, Department, and affiliate with tools, training, and services.  This includes prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, test, training, and exercises, as well as continuity of operations.  For any Emergency Management assistance, please contact:

John Schaible
Emergency Manager, University Police Department
Administration Building, 6th floor, Room 609
Email:  schaible@umbc.edu
Office:  (410) 455-2572, Cell:  (443) 981-9028
Use this link to schedule a meeting with me

  • For immediate assistance on campus:  Call UMBC Police at (410) 455-5555 to report a fire or other emergency.  Police will relay your emergency to 911.
  • Register for UMBC alerts:  Go to https://my3.my.umbc.edu/alerts and ensure you have at least one current text-enabled mobile phone number registered.
  • Utility outages and elevator emergencies:  During normal hours, call Work Control at: (410) 455-2550.  After normal hours, call Central Plant at: (410) 455-1988 or (410) 455-2202.
  • HAZMAT concerns or workplace accidents:  During normal hours, call Environmental Safety & Health (ESH) at: (410) 455-2918.  After normal hours, call UMBC Police at (410) 455-5555.

Everyone can manage an emergency at their level.  You may not be able to prevent every emergency from happening, but by acting quickly, you can reduce the severity of impacts.  This does not require special knowledge or training.  Ensure your personal safety first, and then follow these basic 5-steps:

  • DETECT – What do you observe? What have you been told? Record your observations.
  • VERIFY – What are the impacts on people, buildings, or operations? How severe are they?
  • NOTIFY – Who has been called? Who must you call? Set two objectives:  1) determine the time required for the right people to respond to campus; and 2) set follow-up times to receive updates.  *Our goal is to verify a threat to campus safety or security and, if needed, activate an alert to within 15 mins of detection.
  • ACT – Is there a life safety or security threat? Evacuate or seek shelter. Ensure your safety and safety of others.
  • END? – Wait for the all-clear before resuming normal activities. Restart at step 1 if emergency conditions change.